How to add “Learn More” Button to Your Google Web Stories

In the dynamic realm of digital storytelling, Google Web Stories have emerged as a powerful tool for captivating audiences. Enhancing this experience further, the addition of a “Learn More” button provides a seamless transition from your stories to additional content. If you’re eager to harness this feature, follow our step-by-step guide below.

Step 1: Plugin Installation

  1. Navigate to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to “Plugins” and click on “Add New.”
  3. In the search bar, type “Web Stories.”
  4. Locate the plugin, click “Install Now,” and activate it by pressing “Activate.”
Web Story Plug-in

Step 2: Accessing Web Stories

  1. On the left panel, find and click on “Stories” in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Select “Add New” to begin crafting your engaging Web Story.

Step 3: Crafting Your Story

  1. Populate the empty canvas with a mix of images, videos, and compelling text.
  2. Move to the “Style” option after selecting your page.

Step 4: Introducing the “Learn More” Button

  1. Within the “Style” settings, find the “Call to Action” option.
  2. Here, insert your desired web address as the URL link.
Call to Action option

Step 5: Witness the Transformation

With a simple click, the “Learn More” button becomes a gateway to deeper insights. Your audience can seamlessly transition from the immersive experience of your Web Story to explore additional content.

Call to Action with "Learn More" enabled

As you embark on this journey of elevating your Google Web Stories, the “Learn More” button serves as a bridge, connecting your storytelling prowess with an extended narrative. Elevate your digital narrative and keep your audience engaged effortlessly!

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